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Q: What is a non linear demand function?
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Why demand curve is convex?

Convex function on an open set has no more than one minimum. In demand it shows the elasticity is linear after some point and non linear on other points.

What is linear demand function and it relevant to a firm?

A linear demand function means that any change in the price of the output will have the same effect on the quantity demanded, whatever the price was. It has little relevance to a firm since the demand function is never really linear.

What does non- linear function mean?

It means if you plot the function it is not on a straight line For example y = 3x + 4 is linear function y = x squared is non linear

What is the difference between linear and nonlinear demand functions?

distinguish between linear and non linear demands funcions

Difference between linear consumption function and non linear consumption function?

I have no idea. However, in theory there is a difference.

Why a transistor is a non linear devices?

A: THE WORD IS LINEAR. yes it is not a very linear device as a function of current

What is demand function.what are its determinants of demand function?

the determinats demand are prices and non price factor

How to tell the difference of a linear and non linear function without it on a graph?

A linear function, of a variable x, is of the form ax+b where a and b are constants. A non-linear function will have x appearing in some other form: raised to a power other than 1, or in a trigonometric, or exponential or other form.

Is the the function y5x-3 linear or non linear?

If you mean y = 5x-3 then it is the linear equation of a straight line

What linear functions are non inverse function?

x = constant.

A graph of a non-vertical straight line is a?

Linear function

What is a linear resistor?

which obey ohms law ANSWER: Not all potentiometers are linear some are made to follow a logarithm function some follows an exponential function. A linear potentiometer will have a linear curve. Materials that obey Ohm's Law are called 'linear' or 'ohmic'; those that don't are called 'non-ohmic' or 'non-linear'.