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Q: What is a non statistical question?
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What is the difference between a statistical and a non- statistical question?

a statistical is a question that has a variety of answers, but a non-statistical question has only one answer. like if i say "how old am i?" that is a non-statistical question because there is only one answer. But if I say "How old are the 6th and 7th grade students in school?" that is a statistical question because there will be various answers.

What are statistical question?

a question that has a numerical answer

What is a statistical question'?

a satistical question has statistics

What difference between Statistical Sampling and non statistical sampling?

an approach to sampling that has the characteristics of being randomly selected and the use of probability theory to evaluate sample results. Whereas non-statistical sampling is therefore any sampling approach that does not have both of the characteristicss of statistical sampling. I hope this will help....

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Yes, it is.

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No, it is not.

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What type of application would you use if the data set is non-numerical?

Non-parametric statistical methods.

What is an example of a statistical question?

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