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Q: What is a number between 49 and 1 that is an odd number greater than 10 and is a factor of 100?
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What is a number greater than 10 and a factor of 30?

15 is a number greater than 10 and a factor of 30.

What is the even number that is greater than 3 and is a factor of 20?

4 is greater than 3 and is a factor of 20.

Can the greatest common factor of 18 and 36 be greater then 18explain?

No. No number can have a factor greater than itself.

Is 25 a factor of 15?

No. A factor cannot be greater than the number it is compared to.

Can the number 31500 have factor greater than 15750?

31500 is a factor of 31500

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What number is greater than 10 and is a odd number which is a factor of 100?

25 is an odd factor of 100.

Why GCF of two or more positive integers never greater than the least of the numbers?

I think you meant to say that it's never greater than the least of the numbers.The easiest explanation is to simply remind you that the GCF is a factor of every numberin the group, and no factor of a number can be greater than the number itself.

What is a number greater than 10 and is a factor of 27?

The only positive integer greater than 10 which is a factor of 27 is 27 itself.

Every number greater than zero has one common factor what is it?

The factor is 1.

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What can a number be to any one of its factor?

equal to or greater than