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Q: What is a number preceded by a positive or a negative sign?
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Is 0.87 a positive number?

Yes 0.87 is a positive number. Negative numbers are preceded by the "-" sign. So "-0.87" would be a negative number.

How do you remove parentheses preceded by a positive sign and a negative sign?

you turn everything inside the prenthises positive or negative

Is the product of 33 negative numbers and 2 positive numbers a positive number or a negative number?

(The product of 33 negative numbers) x (2 positive numbers) = (negative sign) x (positive sign) = negative sign

How does the sign of the product of the positive and a negative number compare withe the sign of the sum of a positive and a negative number?

The product of a positive and negative number is always negative The sum of a positive and negative number depends on which one is larger; subtract the two numbers and take the sign of the larger

What is the sign of the product of 11 negative integers and 2 positive integers?

The 2 positive integers don't affect the sign. Every time you multiply by a negative number, the sign changes, so you have negative, positive, negative, positive... Since the number of negative numbers is odd, the end result is negative.The 2 positive integers don't affect the sign. Every time you multiply by a negative number, the sign changes, so you have negative, positive, negative, positive... Since the number of negative numbers is odd, the end result is negative.The 2 positive integers don't affect the sign. Every time you multiply by a negative number, the sign changes, so you have negative, positive, negative, positive... Since the number of negative numbers is odd, the end result is negative.The 2 positive integers don't affect the sign. Every time you multiply by a negative number, the sign changes, so you have negative, positive, negative, positive... Since the number of negative numbers is odd, the end result is negative.

When you have a negative and positive in math does it become a negative?

It depends on what you do with the negative and positive. If you multiply or divide a positive number and a negative number, then the answer is negative. If you add or subtract a positive number and a negative number, the answer could be negative or positive depending on the numbers involved. If you put a negative sign in front of a positive number, the result is a negative number. If you put a positive sign in front of a negative number (like +(-7)), the result is still negative.

When you multiply a positive number by a negative what is the sign?

It's negative .Positive*Negative = NegativeNegative*Negative = Positive

When you multiply a positive number by ba negative one what is the sign of the answer?

when you multiply a positive number by a negative number it is a negative. if u multiply a negative by a negative then it is positive

When you multiply a positive number by a negative number which is the sign of the answer?

its a negative

What is a negative multiplied by a negative?

negative*negative=positive negative/positive=negative negative\negative=positve negative-positive=change the sign to a plus and then change the number after the sign and get your answer negative +positive=which ever numbr is bigger minus positive+positive=positive

When you multiply a positive number by a negative by a negative one what is the sign of the answer?

A negative times a positive is a negative and that negative times a negative would = a positive. So the answer would be a positive number. *<:)

Is 5 a negative number?

Five is not a negative number. It is odd, but if you put a - in front of it, it IS negative.(Negative numbers are always preceded by a negative sign, like -5.)