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Q: What is a number that has 1 number and a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters?
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What is mean by upper and lowercase letters for password?

Passwords often require a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters for security. Uppercase letters are those in the capital form (e.g., A, B, C), while lowercase letters are in the small form (e.g., a, b, c). Using a mix of both increases the complexity of the password and makes it more difficult for hackers to guess.

Entering a formula in lowercase letters will cause Excel to do what?

The formula will be converted into uppercase letters and will work. So it does not matter if you enter it in upper or lower case or a mix of both.The formula will be converted into uppercase letters and will work. So it does not matter if you enter it in upper or lower case or a mix of both.The formula will be converted into uppercase letters and will work. So it does not matter if you enter it in upper or lower case or a mix of both.The formula will be converted into uppercase letters and will work. So it does not matter if you enter it in upper or lower case or a mix of both.The formula will be converted into uppercase letters and will work. So it does not matter if you enter it in upper or lower case or a mix of both.The formula will be converted into uppercase letters and will work. So it does not matter if you enter it in upper or lower case or a mix of both.The formula will be converted into uppercase letters and will work. So it does not matter if you enter it in upper or lower case or a mix of both.The formula will be converted into uppercase letters and will work. So it does not matter if you enter it in upper or lower case or a mix of both.The formula will be converted into uppercase letters and will work. So it does not matter if you enter it in upper or lower case or a mix of both.The formula will be converted into uppercase letters and will work. So it does not matter if you enter it in upper or lower case or a mix of both.The formula will be converted into uppercase letters and will work. So it does not matter if you enter it in upper or lower case or a mix of both.

Can a CV be typed in capital letters?

Yes, a CV can be typed in all capital letters for emphasis or to stand out, but it is generally not recommended as it can come across as aggressive or difficult to read. It is better to use a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters for better readability.

Why are some drugs written with capital letters in the middle?

Drugs that are written in a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, such as aBiLiFY, are a way for companies to create a unique brand name for their product. This unique formatting helps the drug stand out from others and can make it more memorable for consumers.

What are weak password characteristic?

Weak password characteristics include being short in length, using simple or common words, containing only letters or numbers, and lacking a mix of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. These characteristics make passwords easier to guess or crack through brute force or dictionary attacks.

What is the strongest password?

No 5 - Combine partial 2 or 3 or even 4 unrelated words together (mix uppercase and lowercase)User can combine 2 words together like "Diamond", "Blog","Security" to become "DiamBloSecu"No 4 - Combine word with number and (mix uppercase and lowercase)User can combine your name and your handphone number together, like your name "Scotfield", handphone is "01255447689″, then your password will become "Scotfield01255447689″, this is my favourite password to use also, because it is consider strong and easy to remember password.No 3 Replace Word with number and symbol randomly. (mix uppercase and lowercase)Good example is Microsoft suggest strongest password P@ssw0rd, it replace a with @ symbol and o with 0 (Zero), This will need some creative to think of it.No 2 Mix Word and number together randomly. (mix uppercase and lowercase)Let said, "Scotfield" and "01255447689″, if we mix randomly to become "S012cot5544fie76ld89″, frankly… i do not think is it possible to crack it..but it very hard to remember also.No1 Mix meanless Word, number and symbol randomly, and at least 15 length. (mix uppercase and lowercase)Strongest password equals to hardest remember password, for exampleE7r9t8@Q#h%Hy+Mer…. if possible please do not create above strongest password, because this is really very hard to remember------------------------I think that most difficult password that I could retrieve was (combination of Alpha numerics):"A4714GusToE19lAPT@0pmaMsUch&INe" I would suggest don't use this password because this is extremely difficult to remember. It will take more than two hundred years of computation by a high-speed super computer.

What do you mean by tags are case sensitive in HTML?

When writing XHTML, yes! Valid XHTML tags and attributes (but not values) must be lowercase. When referring to XHTML in other languages like CSS or JavaScript, case sensitivity is usually present.

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Those letters spell titanic or Titanic.

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Those letters spell the word choose.

What is called when you mix up letters?

a spoonerism