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Anything that isn't 1,2,3,6,9 or 18.

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Q: What is a number that is not a factor of 18?
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Witch number is not a factor of 36 72 or 18?

Not a factor of 18 ?

Is 9 a factor number?

It can be. 9 is a factor of 18.

Is 18 an factor of 36 an a squer?

18 is a factor of 36. 36 is a square. 18 is not.

Is 18 a factor pair?

18 is a single number. The factor pairs of 18 are (18,1)(9,2)(6,3)

What is the greatest factor of 18?

18. All numbers' highest factor is the number itself.

Which number is a factor of 18 but not a multiple of 6?

The number 8 is the factor of 18. But 8 is not a multiple of 6.

What is the greatest common factor of 18 and 73?

The GCF of a prime number and a composite number is 1 if the former is not a factor of the latter. 73 is a prime number and 18 is a composite number and 73 is not a factor of 18 because 18 is not divisible by 73. So, GCF(73, 18) = 1.

What number is a factor of 8 and a factor of 12 but not of 18?


What is the next factor after 18?

Unless you are referring to a specific number, the next factor after 18 is 19.

Is the number 3 a factor of 18?


What is the whole number factor of 18?


What is the greatest common factor of 36 and 18.?

The greatest common factor of 18 and 36 is 18. Since 18 is a factor of 36, it is automatically the GCF.