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Binary number. (Base 2 number system, a system that uses only 0's and 1's. Counting proceeds: 0,1,10,11 which in base 10 (normal system) would be 0,1,2,3. 10 in binary is actually "2" in Base 10)

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Q: What is a number using only 0s and 1's?
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It counts bits of information using 1s and 0s

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Why is 2421 is called self complementary?

9's complement of a decimal number represented in 2421 code is easily obtained by replacing the 1s with 0s,and 0s with 1s,so 2421 code is called a self complementing code.example-2421 of '2' is '0010',after replacing the 0s with 1s and 1s with 0s weget '1101' which is the 2421 of '7'(9s complement of 2 is 7). Thus 2421 code is self complementary.

What is the language of 0s and 1S?

The language of 0s and 1s is called binary which is internally used by the computer system for performing different activities. The other levels of languages such as high level languages, assembly language are internally converted into binary language for the processing by the computers.

How do you get the 1's complement of 100110101?

Invert the bits of each number in the binary sequence (change all 1s to 0s, and all 0s to 1s). So, you would have: 100110101 (original number) 011001010 (one's complement)

What is the function of a computer hardware?

1s and 0s.

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