Oh, dude, that's like a big number with a whole bunch of zeros. It's called a quindecillion. Yeah, it's like a trillion, but with way more zeros. So, if you ever need to count that high, good luck with that!
it is infinite. the most zeros in a number that we know today would have to be a hundred zeros. that number is called a google.
It's written as 1051 and called "ten to the fifty-one".
By the European and American way anyway, there are 10 zeroes. 50,000,000,000
100 quindecillion
10,050 Three of them.
it is infinite. the most zeros in a number that we know today would have to be a hundred zeros. that number is called a google.
There are four zeros in one hundred and fifty thousand. This is because the number 150,000 is composed of three digits (1, 5, and 0) followed by four zeros. Each zero represents a placeholder for a power of 10, indicating a value of zero in that position.
Fifty crores is equivalent to 500 million in the Indian numbering system. When written out in numerals, this number is represented as 500,000,000. There are two zeros in the number 500,000,000.
It's written as 1051 and called "ten to the fifty-one".
By the European and American way anyway, there are 10 zeroes. 50,000,000,000
it is in the millions