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Q: What is a numeral less than 1?
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Any non-numeral less than ten?

A non-numeral is any word or symbol that represents a numeral, but is not a numeral. Therefore, an example of a non-numeral less than ten is three.

What number in the roman numeral system does the roman numeral MCMXCIX represent?

M = 1000, CM (100 less than 1000) = 900, XC (10 less than 100) = 90 and IX (1 less than 10) = 9. So the complete numeral MCMXCIX represents 1999.

What is the numeral of 3000 less than 7800 is?


What is the numeral of 1000 less than 800?


What is the numeral of 1000 less than 2700?

1,700 is.

Any non-negative numeral less than ten?

A digit.

What is any non negative numeral less than ten?

A digit.

What is the term for a non-negative numeral less than ten?

single digit

Any non- negative numeral less than ten?


What is the longest number less than 2000 when depicted in roman numeral?


Any non-negetive numeral less than ten?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Any non-negative numeral less then ten?

Yes. For example 1.