You write the number in words >:D
Numeral form refers to the representation of a number using digits or symbols, as opposed to spelled out in words. For example, the numeral form of the number 5 is simply "5," while the numeral form of the number 10 is "10." Numeral form is commonly used for mathematical calculations and is the most common form of representing numbers in everyday life.
A numeral is the symbol or word that represents the number, while a number is the actual amount of the numeral.
The number 27 as a Roman numeral is XXVII
The Roman numeral which represents the number 340 is CCCXL
You write the number in words >:D
Three ways: Arabic numeral: 8 Roman numeral: VIII in words: acht
Numeral form refers to the representation of a number using digits or symbols, as opposed to spelled out in words. For example, the numeral form of the number 5 is simply "5," while the numeral form of the number 10 is "10." Numeral form is commonly used for mathematical calculations and is the most common form of representing numbers in everyday life.
A numeral is the symbol or word that represents the number, while a number is the actual amount of the numeral.
The answer should be a number (like 6) not words (like six).
Expressed in words, the corresponding ordinal number for the cardinal number 127 is one hundred and twenty-seventh.
Mixed number or mixed numeral
The number 27 as a Roman numeral is XXVII
The Roman numeral which represents the number 340 is CCCXL
The Roman numeral for the number 1973 is MCMLXXIII
The roman numeral CXCIV is the number 194.