The Romans numerals from 1 to 10 are as follows (with their values in brackets)... I (1) II (2) III (3) IV (4) V 95) VI (6) VII (7) VIII (8) IX (9) and X (10). The Romans did not have a numeral for zero because they had no use for it in their system. During the middle ages monks, who still wrote in Latin and still used Roman numerals, introduced the symbol N (from the Latin word Nullae) to represent zero.
You cannot.First: 0 to 9 is not one digit but 10 digits.Second: You cannot change a numeric digit to a letter.You cannot.First: 0 to 9 is not one digit but 10 digits.Second: You cannot change a numeric digit to a letter.You cannot.First: 0 to 9 is not one digit but 10 digits.Second: You cannot change a numeric digit to a letter.You cannot.First: 0 to 9 is not one digit but 10 digits.Second: You cannot change a numeric digit to a letter.
Well it's the most simplest question I know, it's the + symbol and if you're in Mrs. Johnsons class..... you're too funny!!! :)
106 or a million.
The number 72, when divided by 9, the correct answer is 8. This is not a four digit numeric. To express 72 as a four digit numeric, write 0072. 0072 / 9 = 8.
a digit (number) as opposed to a letter--
With the num lock on, hold down the Alt key and type 0 1 6 9 on the numeric pad.
You cannot.First: 0 to 9 is not one digit but 10 digits.Second: You cannot change a numeric digit to a letter.You cannot.First: 0 to 9 is not one digit but 10 digits.Second: You cannot change a numeric digit to a letter.You cannot.First: 0 to 9 is not one digit but 10 digits.Second: You cannot change a numeric digit to a letter.You cannot.First: 0 to 9 is not one digit but 10 digits.Second: You cannot change a numeric digit to a letter.
1 is an integral integer type with the numeric value 1. '1' is an integral character type with the numeric value 49. That is, ASCII character 49 returns the symbol '1'. To convert an ASCII character in the range '0' to '9' to its integral numeric value, subtract character '0' from the character. ASCII character '0' has the numeric value 48, thus '1' - '0' = 49 - 48 = 1. To convert a numeric value in the range 0 to 9 to its ASCII character equivalent, add character '0' to the value. Thus 1 + '0' = 1 + 48 = 49 = '1'.
There are 10 0 - 9.
The keypad code to get the anchor symbol from the numeric keypad is 251.
The keys with the numbers 0-9 written on them !
For Windows press and hold the key then on the numeric keypad hit 0-1-5-9alt+0153
The # symbol.
The symbol "Sunya" is also known as the number zero or 0. It signifies the absence of any numeric value or quantity.
Well it's the most simplest question I know, it's the + symbol and if you're in Mrs. Johnsons class..... you're too funny!!! :)
For Windows press and hold the <alt> key then on the numeric keypad hit 0-1-5-9
alpha numeric in the sense a to z alphabets and 0 to 9 digits and its combinations like penchal123 raju Rajesh 1001