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Q: What is a p patient called that cannot remember things from one minute to the next?
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Why copd patient cannot apply oxygen more than 4 liter per minute?

because elasticity of alveoli is diminished in patient with COPD therefore administering more than 4liters/minute will collapse alveoli and patient may die.

What is the difference between normal ventilation and minute ventilation?

Normal ventilation means the patient receives a normal pressure or volume of gas while inspiring and also while expiring. Minute ventilation means the ventilator makes sure that the patient inspires and expires the particular minute volume set for the patient. For example if it is a 70kg patient . He needs a minute volume of 7L/min. the ventilator makes sure that the person inspires and expires 7L/min.

What is a good sentence for pulse?

The patient's pulse was weak and irregular. After medication, the patient's pulse was strong and regular at 88 beats per minute.

How do you time 18 minutes with a ten minute sand timer and a ten minute one?

You cannot.

What would be the best rate of O2 for a patient with COPD?

2 liters per minute

What minute called in Hindi?

A minute is called "मिनट" (minte) in Hindi.

What do you do after ventilating a patient for 3 minutes and he starts to breathe on his own at a rate of 18 breaths per minute?

Pat yourself on the back and continue to monitor the patient.

How do you convert feet per minute to cubic feet per minute?

You cannot without knowing the dimensions and shape.

When taking a patient's pulse how long should you take it for?

The most accurate would be for one full minute so you can get the beats per minute, but you can go for half a minute and then multiply times two to get beats per minute.

How many names can a brain with the IQ of 190 remember in a minute?

It depends on the person

The ratio of seconds in one minute to minute in two hours Write a fraction for each ratio?

This question to this cannot be answered. I have to have detail.

What does CRP testing involved?

No advance preparation for the CRP test is needed on the part of the patient. The test is conducted on a small sample of blood that usually takes about a minute to withdraw from a patient's vein.