You get your regents exam when your at the end of your junior year. Possibly 8th grade.
A D is a passing grade for 9th grade. It is the overall average of all grades that makes the difference between passing and repeating a grade.
60% is not normally a passing grade in college.
All the dbqs 2 essays 15 multiple choice
No. It is an F.
You get your regents exam when your at the end of your junior year. Possibly 8th grade.
You can't retake the regents if you passed.
The C grade is a passing grade.
Grade 7 Students cannot take the REGENTS exam, because most middle schools do not offer Regents courses, unless the student has advanced classes and are taking the advanced Regents courses.
A D is a passing grade for 9th grade. It is the overall average of all grades that makes the difference between passing and repeating a grade.
the passing grade is a 65=]
i think the passing grade is 85*
uhh yeahh. if you pass the global regents you move on to the to the us history class in order to graduate even if u fail the regent u can take it again. i actually failed the global 3 times and i am takin us history as of now. i passed the class and failed the regent only but yeahh its sucks. dont do drugs kids.
Bio 9th if you took the regents in the 8th grade.....from there just regular classes, you will figure that out when you get to high school
of course 65 is a passing grade 64 or below is failing , 65 is passing!