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Q: What is a pattern of growth in which numbers double?
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Why bacterial growth is called exponential?

Bacterial growth is called exponential because it follows a pattern where the population doubles at a constant rate over a period of time. Each new generation of bacteria doubles in number, leading to a rapid increase in population size. This results in a curve that shows exponential growth when plotted over time.

What is the pattern of24816?

If you mean: 2 4 8 16 then the numbers double up consecutively

An explanation of a pattern in nature that is supported by observations and results from many investigations?

One pattern in nature that is supported by many investigations is the occurrence of Fibonacci numbers in plant growth patterns. These numbers can be seen in the arrangement of leaves, petals, and seeds in various plants. The ratio between consecutive Fibonacci numbers approaches the golden ratio, which is believed to optimize growth efficiency in plants.

Population increase where the rate of growth stays the same but numbers increase at an accelerating rate?

This pattern is typical of exponential growth, where the population size increases by a constant proportion each year. Initially, the absolute increase will be small, but as the population grows, the rate of increase will become more significant. Over time, this can lead to a rapid growth in population numbers.

How many double numbers in the numbers 1-1000?

All of your double numbers such as 33 and 77 occur within the first hundred numbers. Viz 11, 22, 33, up to 99. That is 9 double numbers.

The life history pattern in which population growth is logistic is called-?

The life history pattern in which population growth is logistic is called the logistic growth model. It is characterized by an initial period of exponential growth followed by a gradual decline in growth rate as the population approaches its carrying capacity due to limited resources.

What does double digit growth mean?

It means anything growth from 10-99%.

What are the next two numbers in pattern for 87019?

One number does not make a pattern - no matter how big it is. No pattern so no next numbers in the pattern.

When would expect to see a species go through a logistic growth pattern?

A species is expected to go through a logistic growth pattern when resources are limited. Initially, the population grows rapidly (exponential growth), but as resources become scarce, the growth rate slows down and eventually stabilizes at the carrying capacity of the environment.

How did the Fibonacci pattern of numbers come about?

the fibonacci pattern of numbers came round about in the 1980's

Is there a pattern in even or odd square numbers?

Yes. There is a pattern in square numbers. They are fun to play with.

A logistic growth pattern from an exponential growth pattern?

The growth rate in an exponential growth will continue to increase over time. In logistic growth, the growth rate will increase until it begins to level off at at the carrying capacity of an environment, where the amount of resources determines the amount of organisms that can be sustained in a given environment.