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A vertex of a graph is said to be pendant if its neighborhood contains exactly one vertex.

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Q: What is a pendent vertex?
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What is a sentence with the word pendent in it?

There are TWO separate words : pendent and pendant. The adjective "pendent" is rarely used, and means either hanging down, or pending. The noun "pendant" is a gem, locket, or other item that hangs around the neck from a strand or chain.Example : "The pendent claims were not considered by the court."Example : "The jeweled pendant was given to the princess on her birthday."

What is the called when the pendent comes attached to the chain?


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What is the antonym of pendent?

It depends on the use of "pendent"you are refering to. In biology, "pendent"means loose or hanging in refering to a structure or organ so the antonym may be "rigid" or "erect". In law, "pendent" means "forthcoming" so the antonym may be "complete" or "past". Structurally, the "dependent" may be any object that requires a group of other structures for support, each other object being a "pendant" and taken together they form an "independant".

Information on an iron Cross Pendent with a surfer on the front with the year 1813 On the back is a crown with the letter W and the year 1914 What is this pendent?

I don't know what it is, but I will buy it from you, email me at

how to find the vertex angle?

The vertex angle is connected to the vertex point

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1 sketch all binary tree with six pendent vertices?

A binary tree with six pendent vertices will have five internal nodes. The pendent vertices will be attached to these internal nodes. The tree will have a root node with two child nodes, each of which will have two child nodes, resulting in a total of six pendent vertices. The structure will resemble a balanced binary tree with a depth of two.

What is vertex on cube?

A cube has no vertex

What shape has no vertex?

A circle does not have a vertex.

Vertex of a triangle?

Vertex of a triangle is any of its 3 corners and the plural of vertex is vertices