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Q: What is a perfect fluid?
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What possesses perfect fluid elasticity?

Nothing, probably.

Why is it that the working fluid is perfect with its physical properties and structures remaining constant throughout the cycle?

In a thermodynamic cycle, the working fluid is assumed to be perfect to simplify calculations and analysis. This assumption allows for constant physical properties and structures to avoid the complexities that would arise from changes in the working fluid. It helps to focus on idealized scenarios to understand the fundamental principles of thermodynamics.

93 tempo transmission won't up shift runs perfect lots of power in first gear I have reverse park neutral It just won't shift it ran perfect until this happened.fluid was low full now.didn't help?

Check the fluid for discoloration or a burnt smell. Driving with low fluid may have burned the drive bands for the higher gears.

Why does your power steering work perfect when you start your car and its cold the second it warms up you have no power steering anymore?

Could be that your low on power steering fluid. When it's cold, the fluid is more viscus, but once it warms up and thins out there isn't enough.

How is swimming a example of fluid friction?

When you swim, your skin and the water connect and rub, even if if it doesn't feel like it, as you glide through the water. Seeing as friction is defined as "the rubbing of the surface of one body against that of another," it is a perfect example of fluid friction.

What has the author William Joseph O'Donnell written?

William Joseph O'Donnell has written: 'On the motion of elongated bodies of revolution through a perfect fluid ..' -- subject(s): Hydrodynamics

Heavy truck with super 10 speed transmission and is jumping out of gear on low side and reverse?

mine is jumping out in all gears but reverse i added fluid and it helped somewhat but not perfect

What is the purpose of a mass flow controller?

A mass flow controller is used to measure and control the flow of liquids and gases. It keeps the fluid or gas flowing consistently at the perfect rate of speed.

Why are people unperfect?

people are not perfect because they are perfect the way they are and not perfect not just plain perfect you are not perfect no one is perfect but They are perfect the way they are.

How perfect is something perfect?

Something perfect is very perfect. Perfectly perfect, in fact.

What is the comparative of perfect?

perfect - more perfect - most perfect

What is difference between natural and forced convection?

Natural Convection occurs when a warmer less dense fluid is pushed away by a cooler denser fluid. Forced Convection occurs when an outside force pushes a fluid, such as water of air, to make it move and transfer heat. A fan is a perfect example. Im pretty sure air, and heat vents are examples too. An air conditioner is definitely an example.