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Q: What is a period of hundred thousand years called?
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What is a period of one thousand years called?

A Millenium. 1 year ; Annum ( Latin for 'yeart'). 10 years ' A Decade (Decum Latin for 'ten') 100 years ; A Century ( Centum Latin for ;hundted'_ 1000 years ' A millenium. ( Millenium is Latin for 'thousand').

What is one hundred thousand years called?

One centomillenium.

What is called A period of hundred years?

A period of 100 years is called a century.

What do you call a period of one thousand years called?

That's called a millenium.

What does a preriod of hundred year called?

A period of 100 years is a century

Why is there a thousand years in a century?

There are not a thousand years in a century. There are a hundred years in a century. A thousand years is ten centuries.

What is a period of ten thousand years called?

A period of ten thousand years is called a decamillennium. The prefix "deca-" denotes ten, and "millennium" refers to a period of one thousand years. Therefore, a decamillennium is a unit of time equal to ten millennia or ten thousand years.

How many thousand of years ago is 3 million years?

three hundred thousand years

How do you call a 1000 years?

One thousand years is a millennium, from the Latin "mille" for "thousand". One hundred years is a century, from the Latin "centum" for "hundred".

What is a six hundred year anniversary called?

A period of 600 years is often referred to as a sexcentenary.

What is a period of a thousand million years?

A thousand million years equals 1 billion years.

What is a hundred years called?

There are a hundred years in a century.