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An equilateral quadrilateral is not a well defined shape - it could be a rhombus with one angle able to take ANY value. In the same way, an equilateral dodecagon is not a well defined shape and so it is impossible to give a sensible answer to the question.

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Q: What is a perpendicular bisector of an equilateral dodecagon?
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Equilateral triangles

In the construction of a perpendicular bisector to a given line segment the perpendicular bisector passes through the vertex of two?

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Could the median of a triangle be the perpendicular bisector?

Yes in equilateral triangle.

Can the angle bisector of a triangle also be the perpendicular bisector?

Yes. The bisector of one angle of a triangle is the perpendicular bisector of theopposite side if the bisected angle is the vertex angle of an isosceles triangle,or any angle of an equilateral triangle.

For what kinds of triangles can the perpendicular bisector of a side also be an angle bisector of the angle opposite the side?

Every isosceles or equilateral triangle.

To construct a perpendicular bisector to a given line segment one must construct two?

Equilateral triangles

How do you write an equilateral triangle line of symmetry?

A line joining any vertex to the midpoint of the opposite side. Because of the properties of an equilateral triangle, this line may be described as the median, the perpendicular bisector of a side or an angle bisector.

How are perpendicular bisectors and angle bisectors the same?

In general, they are not. In an isosceles triangle, the perpendicular bisector of the base is the same as the bisector of the angle opposite the base. But the other two perp bisectors are not the same as the angle bisectors. Only in an equilateral triangle is each perp bisector the same as the angle bisector of the angle opposite.

What is the difference between and angle bisector and a perpendicular bisector?

An angle bisector bisects an angle. A perpendicular bisector bisects a side.

What can not form a perpendicular bisector?

A circle cannot form a perpendicular bisector.

State the Perpendicular Bisector Theorem and its converse as a biconditional?

Biconditional Statement for: Perpendicular Bisector Theorem: A point is equidistant if and only if the point is on the perpendicular bisector of a segment. Converse of the Perpendicular Bisector Theorem: A point is on the perpendicular bisector of the segment if and only if the point is equidistant from the endpoints of a segment.