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Q: What is a piece of wire twisted to form a circle?
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What is draw wire?

making a twisted up, sometimes useless piece of wire into a straight piece again.

How do you make a peace sign necklace?

To make a peace sign necklace, start with a circle of wire. Divide the circle in half with another wire and twist the ends top to bottom in the circle, then twist another equal sized piece in the center of the divider wire. Secure the ends of the second wire to the circle about 1/3rd from the dividing wire bottom. Add a thong to the piece, and you have a peace sign necklace

How can I make a ring using wire and beads?

To make a ring using wire and beads, first, cut a piece of wire to the desired length for the ring size. Then, thread beads onto the wire in the desired pattern. Finally, shape the wire into a circle to form the ring, ensuring the beads are secure.

Does Shielded Twisted Pair wire follow the same standards as Unshielded Twisted Pair wire?


What are major limitations of twisted-pair wire?

twisted pair wire is limited in distance, bandwidth, and data rate.

What is the operation principle of a twisted pair wire in transmission media?

Describe the basic construction of twisted pair wire?

What is a knute?

A knute is a form of whip that is used to flog slaves or prisoners. This is made from leather lashes that are twisted with wire.

Do steel wiredrawing plants make twisted wire?

Yes, steel wiredrawing plants can produce twisted wire by combining multiple strands of wire together. Twisted wire is commonly used in applications such as fencing, industrial machinery, and construction materials due to its increased strength and durability.

How can I make rings out of wire?

To make rings out of wire, you will need wire cutters, pliers, and a mandrel or round object to shape the ring. Cut a piece of wire to the desired length, wrap it around the mandrel to form a circle, and then twist the ends together to secure the ring. Use the pliers to adjust the shape and size of the ring as needed.

Is there a difference between wire rope and stranded wire?

Yes, wire rope consists of multiple strands of wire twisted together to form a larger, stronger cable. Stranded wire refers to individual wires twisted or braided together to form a single strand. Wire rope is typically used for heavy-duty applications that require extra strength and durability, while stranded wire is more commonly used in smaller-scale applications.

Are twisted pair wire and coxial cable the same?

No. Coaxial cable is a single wire that has a thick coating around it. A common use of coaxial cable is for cable television. This is the cable that goes from the jack on the wall into your cable box. Twisted pair contains multiple cables which are split into pairs and twisted together. CAT5/CAT5e/CAT6 cable are all examples of twisted pair. There are a total of 8 wires inside. Every two wires are twisted together to form a pair. The purpose of the cables being twisted together is to reduce electrical interference between the wires.

A wire of resistance 10ohm is pent in the form of closed circle What is the effective between the two points at the end of any diameter of the circle?

2.5 ohm