

What is a plain figure?

Updated: 10/17/2022
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8y ago

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A plain figure is a simple figure.

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Q: What is a plain figure?
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How can distinguish a square from a rhombus?

a square is a plain figure which has all the sides equal but a rhombus is a plain figure which has the opposite sides equal.

Which plain figure has eight sides?

An octagon.

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What is a plain figure with 8 lines of symmetry?

an octagon.

What is a plain figure concept in math?

There is no such concept in maths. A plane figure is a mathematical concept but that is not what the question is about.

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the grate hungarean plain. took me a wile to figure out myself

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Are rectangle squares?

A square is a flat plain figure whose four sides are of equal length.A rectangle is a flat plain figure whose lengths are longer that the widths.So a rectangle is not like a square!

Are rectangle's squares?

A square is a flat plain figure whose four sides are of equal length.A rectangle is a flat plain figure whose lengths are longer that the widths.So a rectangle is not like a square!

A plain figure with six sides?

I guess it is a dice or what else is it supposed to be? A hexagon is a plane figure with 6 sides.

What is plain figure in maths?

A shape in 2-dimensional space - a flat shape.

When will a new plane be invented?

when the people figure out how to make one they are working on a new plane right now its very hard to make a plain and figure out how to put it together.