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A cubic.

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Q: What is a polynomial to the third power called?
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A quadratic polynomial is a third-degree polynomial?

No. A quadratic polynomial is degree 2 (2 is the highest power); a cubic polynomial is degree 3 (3 is the highest power).No. A quadratic polynomial is degree 2 (2 is the highest power); a cubic polynomial is degree 3 (3 is the highest power).No. A quadratic polynomial is degree 2 (2 is the highest power); a cubic polynomial is degree 3 (3 is the highest power).No. A quadratic polynomial is degree 2 (2 is the highest power); a cubic polynomial is degree 3 (3 is the highest power).

Example of third-degree polynomial?

pretty sure a third degree polynomial is just one that has a term to the power of 3 eg. x3 + 4x2 + 3x + 5

What is the highest power of a polynomial called?

degree of monomial

What is it called when expressions have the same power?

I suspect that the answer is a homogeneous polynomial.

What is a synonym for third degree polynomial?

A cubic polynomial.

What is the degree for 6xy to the third power?

The degree for 6xy to the 3rd power is equal to the addition of the exponents of equal polynomial that means 1+3 (1 for the x and 3 for the y) and you get an answer of a 4th degree polynomial

Is A quadratic polynomial a third-degree polynomial?

No, it's second degree. Third degree is cubic.

What is x to the third power plus 5x to the second power plus 2x take away 8?

x3 + 5x2 + 2x - 8It's a third-order polynomial in 'x'.Its value depends entirely on the value of 'x', and whenever 'x' changes,the value of the whole polynomial instantly changes.

What do you know about the most possible number of zeros for a polynomial?

A polynomial can have as many 0s as its order - the power of the highest term.A polynomial can have as many 0s as its order - the power of the highest term.A polynomial can have as many 0s as its order - the power of the highest term.A polynomial can have as many 0s as its order - the power of the highest term.

What degree of polynomial will be produced by multiplying a third degree polynomial and a fourth degree polynomial?

seventh degree polynomial x3 times x4 = x7

What is a zero degree polynomial called?

a polynomial of called a cubic polynomial