lets take 2 for example, for a power of 2 (squared) you need to do 2x2=4 for powers of 3 (cubed) you must do 2x2x2=8 so for a power of 4 you must do 2x2x2x2=16.
hope this helps :)
a power is a power
Philip Power has written: 'Maths'
They ripped of Ingrid Burgman . Now they will pay.
this arrow ^ means "to the power of" E.g. 4^2 means 4 to the power of 2 the power is how many times it is times by itself. 4^2 is, two 4's multiplied together = 4 x 4 =16 4^3 is, three 3's multiplied together = 4 x 4 x 4 = 64
grow a brain stop playig my maths games
4 4times 4+4+4+4 16
36 = 729
4 kg
4/10 0.4