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A number which can only be divided by 1 or itself ...

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Q: What is a prime nunber?
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Why is not 117 and 119 not a prime nunber?

They have other factors

What number is bigger then 50 but smaller then 100 but that is a prime nunber that if you subtract them the answer will be 4?


Is 400 a prime nunber?

NO. 400 is not prime.400 is a composite number because it is even so definitely it has other factors aside from 1 and itself which is 2.

What is the second prime and odd number?

The first prime number that is odd is 3, so the second odd prime number is 5. Some think 1 is the first prime nunber, but 1 is neither prime nor composite.

Is predicate logic first order logic same?

YES ONLY IF THE NUNBER IS 687,808,890,123,342,657 or a multiple of that YES ONLY IF THE NUNBER IS 687,808,890,123,342,657 or a multiple of that YES ONLY IF THE NUNBER IS 687,808,890,123,342,657 or a multiple of that YES ONLY IF THE NUNBER IS 687,808,890,123,342,657 or a multiple of that

Is 4459 a prime nunber?

4459 is a composite number, not a prime number. Its factors are 1, 7, 13, 49, 91, 343, 637, and 4459. Its prime factorization is 7 x 7 x 7 x 13 (or 73 x 13).

What is forty-one?

A nunber

Is 43 a prime or composite nunber?

43 is a prime number. A prime number is a natural number greater than 1 that has no positive divisors other than 1 and itself. In the case of 43, it cannot be divided evenly by any other number except for 1 and 43, making it a prime number.

What is derrick rose nunber?


What does it mean to find the prime factorization of a composite number?

Finding the prime factorization of a nunber means that all the factors will be prime. For example, 100: 4 X 25 = 100, but 4 and 25 are not prime numbers, so you have to factor them. 4 X 25 2 X 2 X 5 X 5 = 100 All the factors are prime, so this is the prime factorization of 100.