The answer is a product for any math question. Specifically for division I think it is a dividend.
The remainder of two positive integers can be calculated by first dividing one number (the dividend) by the other (the divisor) using integer division (ignoring any fractional component). Multiply this quotient by the divisor, then subtract the product from the dividend. The result is the remainder. Alternatively, while the dividend remains greater than the divisor, subtract the divisor from the dividend and repeat until the dividend is smaller than the divisor. The dividend is then the remainder.
The dividend is 97.The dividend is 97.The dividend is 97.The dividend is 97.
If a fact family has only 2 multiplication nd division sentences, what do you know about the product and divident?
The dividend is the product of the divisor with the quotient.
In math, a product is the result of multiplying two or more numbers together. A dividend is a number that you divide by. example: 2 * 8= 16 16 is the product. example: 18/6= 3 6 is the dividend.
The answer is a product for any math question. Specifically for division I think it is a dividend.
Multiply the quotient times the dividend and then add on the remainder to the product.
The remainder of two positive integers can be calculated by first dividing one number (the dividend) by the other (the divisor) using integer division (ignoring any fractional component). Multiply this quotient by the divisor, then subtract the product from the dividend. The result is the remainder. Alternatively, while the dividend remains greater than the divisor, subtract the divisor from the dividend and repeat until the dividend is smaller than the divisor. The dividend is then the remainder.
The dividend is 97.The dividend is 97.The dividend is 97.The dividend is 97.
a product that can be divided and the dividend is the same as the quotient example: 25 25/5=5
The product obtained by division is the quotient, which is the result of dividing one number by another. It represents how many times the divisor is contained within the dividend.
You pretty much already answered your own question: the numerators of the factors are the factors of the numerator of the produce while the dividends of the factors are the factors of the dividend.
There are only two numbers in that case. For example 5 x 5 = 25 and 25/5 = 5. The fact family has only two sentences. Now from the equation it indicates that the product of the same numbers gives the dividend or dividend divided by divisor is the same number as the divisor since there are only two numbers in the fact family.
THe answer is dividend. THe answer is dividend.