The product is the result of multiplying two or more numbers.
In the calculation 3 x 5 = 15
3 is the multiplicand and 5 is the multiplier. Both of them are factors, and 15 is the product. 15 is also referred to as a multiple of the numbers - 15 is a multiple of 3, and 15 is a multiple of 5.
The product is the answer to a multiplication.
The result of the process of multiplication is referred to as a 'product'
The answer to a multiplication problem is called the product.
product of multiplication mean the answer to the a multiplication problem. the answer
The answer of the multiplication is called "Product"
The product is the answer to a multiplication.
The result of the process of multiplication is referred to as a 'product'
The product of a multiplication sentence is the answer.
A product is multiplication.
A product is the answer of a multiplication or a multiplication itself
The answer to a multiplication problem is called the product.
product of multiplication mean the answer to the a multiplication problem. the answer
The answer to a multiplication problem called the product.
The answer in multiplication is the product.
The answer of the multiplication is called "Product"
the product of a multiplication sentence is the answer to a multiplication sentence.