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Q: What is a product of photosynthesizes?
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No, grass photosynthesizes.

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Is grass heterotrph?

No, grass photosynthesizes.

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What happens to a plant in the light?

It... photosynthesizes?? (makes food).

Does the blue green bacteria have a cell wall?

Not sure, If it photosynthesizes, probably,,,

How does heterotrophic acteria get energy?

They photosynthesizes which needs water, co2 and sunlight.

What animals eat pond weed?

You mean the green scum on top, spyrogyra? It photosynthesizes sunlight.

What chemical is used to make photosynthesis happen?

The chemical used when a plant cell photosynthesizes is called chlorophyll, which is a pigment in the chloroplast of the cell.

Needs of plants in making food?

Yes .. plants is needed in making food. It photosynthesizes and provides food for the animal which is then passed on to human being.

In what instance is a byproduct obtained?

A byproduct is basically something which is produced that the plant does not need for it self. For example, When a plant photosynthesizes, it releases most of the oxygen as a byproduct into the atmosphere.

What do Oscillatoria eat?

Oscillatoria is a genus of cyanobacteria that photosynthesizes its own food. They use sunlight to produce energy through photosynthesis and do not require additional food sources like animals or plants.