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The set of integers, Z, is

Closed: if x and y are in Z then so is x ~ y, where ~ stands for either addition or multiplication.

Commutative: For all x, y in Z, x ~ y = y ~ x

Transitive: For all w, x, y in Z, (w ~ x) ~ y = w ~ (x ~ y)

Identity: Z contains a unique identity element, i, with the property that x ~ i = x for all x in Z. The additive identity is 0, the multiplicative identity is 1.

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Q: What is a property of integers pertaining to both addition and multiplication?
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What property links multiplication and addition?

The set of integers is closed with respect to multiplication and with respect to addition.

Which of the basic rules of arithmetic are true when you restrict the number system to the positive integers?

Closure with respect to addition and multiplication. Cummutative, Associative properties of addition and of multiplication. Distributive property of multiplication over addition.

Does the commutative property of addition apply when you add to negative integers?

Yes. The commutative property of addition (as well as the commutative property of multiplication) applies to all real numbers, and even to complex numbers. As an example (for integers): 5 + (-3) = (-3) + 5

What is the distributive property of addition over multiplication for integers?

Addition is not distrbutive over multiplication. In general,a + (b*c) ≠ (a+b)*(a+c) [unless a+b+c = 1]

Can you reverse the order of integers when subtracting and still get the same answer why?

No because the commutative property only works for addition and multiplication

What does Distributive Property Integer mean in math?

It means nothing, really. The distributive property is a property of multiplication over addition or subtraction. It has little, if anything, to do with integers.

Properties of number theory?

zero property of multiplication commutative property of multiplication identity property of addition identity prpertyof multiplication your welcome:-)

What is the identity property of multiplication and addition?

The identity property of multiplication asserts the existence of an element, denoted by 1, such that for every element x in a set (of integers, rationals, reals or complex numbers), 1*x = x*1 = x The identity property of addition asserts the existence of an element, denoted by 0, such that for every element y in a set (of integers, rationals, reals or complex numbers), 0+y = y+0 = y

What property is 4 55 4?

The limitations of the browser make it difficult to be certain what your question is. If it is about 4+5=5+4 (or 4*5=5*4), then the answer is the commutative property of addition (or multiplication) of integers.

What is the distributive property for multiplication?

The distributive property of multiplication over addition states that a*(b + c) = a*b + a*c

Which property allows you to regroup addends?

The commutative property of addition and the commutative property of multiplication.

What is the distributive property for addition?

Addition, by itself, does not have a distributive property. Multiplication has a distributive property over addition, according to which: a*(b + c) = a*b + a*c