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An extension of the EEG technique, called quantitative EEG (qEEG), involves manipulating the EEG signals with a computer using the fast Fourier transform algorithm.

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Q: What is a quantitative EEG?
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What is EEg acronym?

eeg is the acronym for electroencephalograph.

What is involved in a quantitative electroencephalography?

manipulating the EEG signals with a computer using the fast Fourier transform algorithm. The result is then best displayed using a colored gray scale transposed onto a schematic map of the head

Can EEG confirm infarction?

EEG cannot confirm infarction, Only MRI CAN CONFIRM INFARCTION. EEG can only confirm epilepsy

When was Syvert Amundsen Eeg born?

Syvert Amundsen Eeg was born in 1757.

When was Harald Rosenløw Eeg born?

Harald Rosenløw Eeg was born in 1970.

When did Syvert Amundsen Eeg die?

Syvert Amundsen Eeg died in 1838.

What nicknames does Eeg van Kruijsdijk go by?

Eeg van Kruijsdijk goes by Jake.

How long does an EEG last?

An EEG usually takes no more than one hour

Is a flat EEG a good indication of deep sleep?

No. A completely flat EEG is the indicator of brain death. Even in deep sleep, the brain remains active and the EEG will reflect this.

What is an EEG of the brain?

An EEG is an electroencephalogram which is a device that measures brain activity. If there any problems in the brain they can be seen on an EEG. The brain produces electrical impulses and there are different patterns of impulses. It is this different patterns that are measured with and EEG that can show doctors what might be wrong.

Why EEG called Bergers rhythm?

Since the pioneering work of H.Berger (1929) is mainly on EEG rhythm.

What are the difference about quantitative and quantitative?

Nothing, quantitative and quantitative are the same thing....