Yes. You can see this if you convert them to decimals 1/4 = .25 1/8 = .125
Cent: 0.01 dollars; Nickel: 0.05 dollars Dime: 0.1 dollars Quarter: 0.25 dollars Half: 0.5 dollars
For a quarter inch, it .25''
1/4 dollar = $0.25 1/4 cent = $0.0025 example: thirty-seven and a quarter cents = $0.3725
1/4 dollar = $0.25 1/4 cent = $0.0025 example: thirty-seven and a quarter cents = $0.3725
Yes. You can see this if you convert them to decimals 1/4 = .25 1/8 = .125
Cent: 0.01 dollars; Nickel: 0.05 dollars Dime: 0.1 dollars Quarter: 0.25 dollars Half: 0.5 dollars
Well, darling, in the world of decimals, the more digits you have to the right of the decimal point, the higher the value. So, 87.5 is higher than 87.25. It's as simple as that, sugar.
Loads of them. A half, a quarter, an eighth, a tenth, a twentieth, a fortieth, a fiftieth, a hundredth. To check, write the fraction out. For example a quarter is written 1/4. All that means is 1 divided by 4. Divide 1 by 4 and you get 0.25 - a quarter.
terminating decimals and repeating decimals