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Q: What is a rate that describes how much smaller or larger the scale drawing is then the real object?
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What is drawing that uses a scale to represent an object as smaller or larger than the original object?

scale drawing

A drawing that uses a scale to make an object smaller than or larger than the real object?

A scale drawing.

What is a drawing that uses a scale to make an object smaller than or larger than the real object?

A scale drawing!

What is A drawing that is a smaller representation of a real object is called?

It is a scale drawing

What is A enlarged or reduced drawing that is similar to an actual object or place?

This is a scale version of the original. If the scale is less than 1 then the drawing is smaller than the original object. If the scale is greater than 1 then the drawing is larger than the original. If the scale is 1 then the original and the drawing are the same size.

Is an object similar to a scale drawing of the object?

No, an object is a physical entity with three-dimensional properties, while a scale drawing is a two-dimensional representation of the object's dimensions in a smaller or larger scale. Scale drawings provide a visual representation of an object's proportions and layout, but they do not capture the full physical characteristics of the actual object.

Why is a smaller object heavier than a larger object?

The only time a smaller object is lighter than a larger object is when it's denser. A smaller iron object is heavier than a somewhat larger wooden object because iron is denser than wood.

Why is the smaller object heavier than a larger object?

The smaller object may be heavier due to differences in density and material composition. If the smaller object is denser or made of heavier material than the larger object, it can weigh more despite its smaller size.

Does a smaller object with the same force will accelerate the same than a larger object?

No, a smaller object will accelerate more than a larger object with the same force applied due to its lower inertia. In other words, a smaller object will experience a greater acceleration with the same force compared to a larger object.

Does larger things have smaller volume compared to smaller things?

No, it is not necessarily true that larger things have smaller volume compared to smaller things. The volume of an object is determined by its dimensions and can vary depending on the shape and size of the object. Larger things can have larger volumes than smaller things if their dimensions are proportionally larger.

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A smaller or larger representation of an object?

size scale