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Q: What is a ratio that compares a change in quantity to the original amount?
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What percent compares the final and original amounts?

(final amount/original amount)*100 This is NOT the percentage change.

What type of percent that compares the final and original amounts?

The type of percent that compares the final and original amounts is called the percentage increase or decrease. It is calculated by dividing the difference between the final amount and the original amount by the original amount, and then multiplying by 100.

What is a percent of change?

change of any quantity divided by its original quantity

What is a ratio that compares the amount of change in the dependent variable to the amount of change in the independent variable?

rate of change. :)

What is a ratio that compares the amount of change in a dependent variable to the amount of change in an independent variable?

rate of change. :)

What is the ratio that compares the amount of chage in a dependent variable to the amount of change in an independent variable?

Rate of Change

What is the type of percent that compares the final and original amounts?

The type of percent which compares to the final and original amounts is known as the percentage of change. This will focus on any variance between the original and final amounts.Ê

What is the percent of change when the original quantity is greater than the new quantity?

The percentage change is always 100*(new-old)/old provided the old is non-negative. If the original quantity is greater than the new quantity, the percentage change will be negative - no big deal.

How do you find percentage change in quantity demanded when only given original quantity?

you cannot. you need more info.

How hysteresis comparator works?

Comparator is usually a substance which compares two quantities; one quantity is the processed one and the other is a standard value to which the processed value has to be compared. Hysteresis is a property in which the change in the magnetization lags behind change in the magnetic field. Now, Hysteresis comparator can be described as a comparator which compares a processed quantity with a quantity whose value is standard for hysteresis property., the difference being given as the output

How do you do you find the percent of change in numbers?

new amount minus original amount over original amount

What is the ratio of the change in an amount to the original amount expressed as a percent?

A percentage change.