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Q: What is a rational economic decision?
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Decision making theory?

Decision making theory is used to determine the values and other issues, including uncertainties, that relate to the decision being made. It is then determined if the decision is a rational and wise decision to be made.

What is the difference between rational and rationale?

Rational is basically being reasonable, not insane... Rationale is basically a justification for what you are doing or choosing... the reasons behind the decision.

What does 'rational basis' mean?

A decision or argument based on sound reasoned argument which can be proved - logical.

What is rational decision-making model Under what conditions is it applicable?

The Rational Decision-Making Model is a process for making logically sound decisions. The model comes from Organization behavior.MethodThe Rational Decision Making Model is a model which emerges from Organizational Behavior. The process is one that is logical and follows the orderly path from problem identification through solution. The Rational Decision Making Model is a seven step model for making rational and logical reasons.This method would evidently not be used for every decision within the everyday operations of an organization. However, the method would be applicable to major efforts within the problem solving and solution finding area such as team efforts and project management (as an example).For the source and more detailed information concerning this subject, click on the related links section ( indicated below.

How quantitative techniques help in decision making?

Quantitative techniques in decision making help us analyze decision alternatives in a rational way that enables us to choose a solution that increases the likelihood of meeting defined success criteria. The best quantitative techniques help improve decision making skill while taking advantage of the knowledge and intuition of experts.

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What is Two major models of decision-making?

the major model of decision making that assumes the decision maker will be rational, systematic, and logical in assessing each alternative is rational economic model.

Four principles of economic decision making?

There are actually ten principles of economic decision making. The first four are, people face trade offs, the cost of something is what you give up to get it, rational people think at the margin, and people respond to incentives.

Non rational model of decision making?

Non rational refers to the limitations of knowledge , information

What is incremental decision making?

it is the combinatin of the rational comprehensive and the incremental decision making models.

What are the three styles of decision making?

impulsive and rational

Marginal analysis in decision making?

Rational choice

What are the economic tools of managerial decision making?

what are the economic tool which help manager in decision making

What is incremental decision making model?

it is the combinatin of the rational comprehensive and the incremental decision making models.

How do the decision of the financial manager influence the production function of a firm?

being a rational decision maker

How would you use economic in a sentence?

He was known to make rational, economic, and practical decisions.

What is a sentence using rational?

I have several sentences for you.Use your rational mind to solve that problem.He is always rational and sensible.She made the rational decision and put the lottery money into the bank.

What is rational knowledge based on?

Rational knowledge is based on both experience and cognition. A rational person takes all relevant information into consideration when making a decision.