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Q: What is a real life example of a line and a plane intersecting?
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What type of lines make a plane?

an intersecting line

What is the difference between a plane and an angle?

A plane is a straight line. An angls is formed by 2 intersecting lines.

How many points are you a intersection of a line and a plane?

There are two possible answers; if the line is crossing the plane at an angle, then the line and the plane only intersect at one point. However, if the line is part of the plane, then the entire line intersects with the plane, and there are an infinite number of intersecting points.

Line that are in the same plant and are not parallel?

Lines in the same plane that are not parallel are intersecting lines.

Can you arrange lines in a plane so they're both paraller and intersecting?

NO. Line are always parallel or intersecting. They're never both at the same time.

Angle formed by intersecting planes?

A line. Unless the two planes are the same, in that case a plane.

Can a concurrent line be an intersecting line?

A line cannot be concurrent. The concept of concurrency is normally applied to three or more lines in a plane or space.

What line forms when a plane and a cylinder intersects?

It depends on at what angle the plane and the cylinder are intersecting. If they are standing upright and intersect at 90 degrees (from the altitude of the shapes), a line in the shape of a circle forms.

What do you need to fix a plane?

There are 3 ways to fix a plane. 1. Three non-collinear points . 2. A line and a point not on the line. 3. Two intersecting but non-collinear lines

What is a line segment that is intersecting another line segment or line?

intersecting lines

Is a perpendicular line also intersecting line?

Yes. But it does not mean it is fully. It partly is not. It is if both lines are in the same plane. But if they are in different planes, then they won't intersect.

In a plane line b is perpendicular to line f line f is perpendicular to line g and line h is parallel to line f. must be true?

What must be true? In your example, we have 4 intersecting lines. g and b are parallel, and f and h are parallel. g and b are perpendicular to f and h. It might look like tic-tac toe for example