K is the shorthand form for thousands, for example £27k = £27,000 M is the shorthand form for millions, for example $84.2M = $84,200,000
rookie, inexperienced or not having knowledge of something. for example: a lawyer studying accounting will surely be a novice at first but he later learns
The "science" tag in the various degree programs denotes that the degree holder took a specified "block" of basic science courses such as, for example, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Physics, Geology, Mathmatics, etc. One could obtain an Accounting degree with either the "Science" or "Business" tag. If the basic courses prescribed for a Science degree are taken in addition to the Accounting courses, then it would be tagged as a Science degree. On the other hand, if that prescribed block of basic Science courses is not taken, then the degree would be in Business.j3h.
No. You incur a loss when you sell something for less than its book value. So, for example, if land is on your books for $1,000 and you sell it for $600, you would incur a net loss.A net loss is the difference between revenues and expenses, when the result comes out negative. If a company has $3,000 in revenues and $3,500 in expenses, it would incur a $500 net loss.In accounting, sales discounts are deducted from sales price to compute the net sales
An accrued expense is an accounting expense that is recognized in the books but has not yet been paid. It is usually a current expense. An accrued expense is paid when the due date for payment has reached, for example, wages are accounted for in the books before they are paid, but are usually paid either on a monthly or weekly basis depending on the policies of the company.
An aspersion is an attack on the reputation. Don't cast aspersions when you might be suspected of wrongdoing yourself.
There are many managerial assessments you could make about a company that has a profit and a negative cash flow in the same accounting period. You could say that there is an error or that temperature changed dramatically for example.
accounting entities are for example a business do not get these mixed up with legal enities
The accounting equation is as follows: Assets = Liabilities + Stockholder's Equity
Both! The ideas and concepts behind managerial economics all have a scientific basis. Some managerial decisions made using managerial economics can employ scientific explanations. On the other hand, many managerial decisions made using the concepts of managerial economics are very subjective. One must, for example estimate the intentions of competitor firms. While some of this is scientific, some of it is luck and some of it is an art.
The most important of the accounting is to comply with generally accepted accounting principles and standards and norms that conducted by accounting organizations. Accounting must have qualities characteristics. With these characteristics, it will be useful to users. Example for characteristics: relevance, reliability and comparability
Method used for inventory pricing.
accounts payable
There are many providers of online accounting classes. For example, the website phoenix.edu provides online accounting classes and so does the website waldenu.edu.
There are plenty of university, community college, and vocational schools that offer accounting class online. I look at the University of Phoenix for accounting classes as an example.
An example of the periodicity concept in the accounting field would be the aging of accounts receivable. A comparison of the balance sheet for one period against another would also be an example of periodicity concepts.