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2 is a real world Prime number.

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Q: What is a real world example of a prime number?
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How is prime and composite numbers used in the real world?

we have 7 days in a week. 7 is a prime number. there are 31 days in some months.31 is a prime number

What makes prime numbers and composite numbers related?

Prime numbers are related with composite numbers as they are both natural numbers and real numbers and also every composite number is a product of prime numbers due to which they are related with each other.For example 24=[2] [2] [3] [2].Here 24 is a composite number,real number and natural number and 2,2,3,2 are prime numbers and also they are real and natural numbers

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The prime number of 11 is a real and natural number

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its an integer its not a prime number its an even number its greater than 5 its less than 7

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A fjord is a real world example of a fjord! They exist in the real world.

What kind of prime number is two?

A prime number is one without 'Real Number Factors'- they are divisible to a Real number only by One and itself; hence as 2 does not have factors it is a prime number. Refer:

Is 89 a real number?

Yes and it is also a prime number

What is the definfition of a Prime Number?

A prime number is any real number that cannot be divided by any other number besides 1 and itself.

Is 47 a real number?

Yes and 47 is also a prime number

Possible example of real number?

0 is a real number.