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A tesselation

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Q: What is a repeating pattern of closed figures that covers a surface with no gaps and no overlaps?
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What is a pattern of closed figures that covers a surface with no gaps or overlaps?

Either "tiling" or "tesselation" is the usual term used.

A pattern that completely covers a surface with no gaps and overlaps?

i really think its a tesselation

How does the surface of the earth change when two continental plates collide?

The Earths surface changes shape when plates collide when the earths surface overlaps or when there are Earthquakes.

What does tesilated mean?

"Tessellated" means to fit together closely, typically in a repeated pattern to cover a surface without any gaps or overlaps. It is often used in reference to geometric shapes or patterns.

What is the dictonarey definition of the word tesselation?

First off it is spelled as follows tessellation a tessellation or tiling of a surface plane is a collection of objects or figures that fills the surface with no overlaps and no gaps. One may also speak of tessellations of the parts of the plane or of other surfaces. Usually you see tessellations with mosiacs and collages and such where there is no remainder of space in the backround.

Do figures with the same volume always have the same surface area?

figures with the same volume does not have the same surface area.

How many number of square units needed to cover a surface without any gaps or overlaps is called the?


Why is tessellation good?

It is a way of covering a surface using multiple copies of one shape (usually a polygon), without gaps or overlaps. The resulting surface is therefore smooth.

Formula for surface area of a rectangle?

actually surface area is always of 3 -d figures not for 2 d figures. area of rectangle= length x breadth.. remember never use surface area term for 2d figures. :)

Volumes of 2-D dimensional figures?

2D figures have surface area, but no volume.

What are the different parts of solid figures?

Surface, edge, and vertex are the different parts of solid figures.

What is an older rock lie under younger rock mean?

This principle is known as the law of superposition, which states that in undisturbed layers of rock, the oldest rocks are found at the bottom and the youngest rocks are found at the top. Essentially, it is a key concept used in relative dating to determine the relative ages of rock layers.