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Subtraction, like addition, results in a sum.

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Q: What is a result of a subtraction problem?
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Related questions

What is the result of a subtraction problem called?

The result of a subtraction problem is called the difference.

Is sum part of addition or subtraction?

addition Sum is the result of an addition problem. Difference is the result of a subtraction problem.

The result of a subtraction problem is the?


What does the difference of mean?

The difference is the result in a subtraction problem.

What does the difference mean?

The difference is the result in a subtraction problem.

What is the word for the end result of a subtraction problem?

The difference

What is the end result of subtraction called?

The end result of a subtraction problem is called a difference.Other end results (except Pi) are typed below.Addition = SumSubtraction = DifferenceMultiplication = ProductDivision = QuotientPi = 3.14159265359 (Ï€)

What do you call the answer to subtraction problem?

The answer in a subtraction problem is difference.

What is the sum of 22 minus 16?

The result in a subtraction problem is the difference. 22 - 16 = 6

What is a result of a subtraction problem called?

the answer is called the diference. 4-3=1. 1 is the difference

How do estimate each sum or difference?

Sum is the result of an addition problem, while difference is the result of a subtraction problem. Addend Subtractend + Addend - Subtractor Sum Difference

What is the result of when you get when you one number by another?

We're missing a verb there. The answer in an addition problem is the sum. The answer in a subtraction problem is the difference. The answer in a multiplication problem is the product. The answer in a division problem is the quotient.