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An impossibility but a square and a rectangle have four interior right angles.

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Q: What is a rhombus with four 90 degree angles called?
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Can a rhombus have 4 90 degree angles?

Yes since a square is a type of rhombus by definition, and it has four ninty degree angles, we have an example.

Does a rhombus have four 90 angles?

No, a rhombus does not have four 90-degree angles. A rhombus is a quadrilateral with all sides of equal length, but its opposite angles are equal, not necessarily right angles. The sum of the interior angles of a rhombus is always 360 degrees, so each angle in a rhombus is less than 90 degrees.

Are the angles of a rhombus all equal?

A rhombus looks like a lopsided square, or a diamond shape. It is a parallelogram with four equal sides. The angles of a rhombus do not all need to be equal BUT opposite angles of a rhombus ARE equal. If you were to "straighten it up" and make all the angles equal at right angles, it would be a square. A rhombus with four right angles is a square.

How is the rectangle different from the rhombus?

A rectangle is composed of four ninety degree angles. While the sum of the four angles of the rhombus only have to add up to 360

Is all rhombus a square?

A rhombus is not a square because it does not have four 90 degree angles, however a rhombus does have four equal sides. A rhombus is also known as a diamond.

What is a polygon with four equal sides and no right angles called?

It's called a rhombus.

Why can't a rhombus be a square?

A rhombus cannot be a square because of its angle measures in which squares have four perfect ninety degree angles ( right angles), and a rhombus does bot have right angles but consist of acute and obtuse angles.

What quadrilateral having all four sides congruent but no 90 degree angles?


How are a square and a rhombus alike and different?

A square and a rhombus both have equal side lengths, however a square has four 90 degree angles. A rhombus can have differing angles. They don't have to be all 90.They both have four sides and all four sides are the same size. While all four corners of a square are right angles, this does not have to be true for a rhombus.

A rhombus with four 90 angles can also be called a?


Can a rhombus have four right angels?

No, by definition a rhombus has all angles equal, but they are not right angles. A square is a type of rhombus with four right angles.

What are the angles on a rhombus called?

A rhombus has two equal opposite acute angles and two opposite equal obtuse angles and the four angles add up to 360 degrees