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Q: What is a rhymed pair of lines called?
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What do you call a pair of rhymed lines?


What Couplets are a pair of lines of poetry that are usually?


Couplets are a pair of lines of poetry that are usually what?

Couplets are a pair of lines of poetry that are usually rhymed and have the same meter. They often express a complete thought or idea within the two lines.

Which of these terms is defined as a pair of rhymed lines usually of the same length that form a stanza?


What kind of poetry is composed of either rhymed or unrhymed lines that have no set meter or line length?

This is called "free verse" and resembles ungrammatical prose that has been broken into lines. It is designed, as is rhymed poetry, to impart meaning by the arrangement of words and concepts.

A heroic couplet consists of?

A heroic couplet is a pair of rhymed lines in iambic pentameter. Each line typically consists of ten syllables and ends with a rhyming pair that gives the couplet unity and completeness. This form is often associated with epic and narrative poetry.

What is a capping couplet?

A Couplet (literature wise) is a pair of lines in a verse that ryhme. Most commonly used in fairy tales and songs.Two lines of verse, usually in the same meter and joined by rhyme, that form a unit.

What is a pair of lines called in music theory?

fat chub

A pair of lines that are next to each other but never touch?

Those are called parallel lines.

When a pattern is created by the placement of rhymed words in a poem it is called a what?

When a pattern is created by the placement of rhymed words in a poem, it is called a rhyme scheme.

What is the name of a set of parallel lines?

There isn't a name...they're just called a pair of parallel lines.

Is vertical line and horizontal line is pair?

I suppose they could be called a pair, just like two horizontal lines could be called a pair, but it's not a "mathematical" or "technical" term.