If the decimal is .5 or greater you round up. Such as if a number is 7.5 you round it off to 8.
Round off to thousandths 54.0098 is 54.010.
the round off is 3045
you round it off to the nearest whole number.in this case the answer is 93
Every minute on a round clock is six degrees. Putting the hands on 12 and 3 (15 minutes) would be a 90 degree angle.
A round-off with NO hands is a brandi.
It's like a cartwheel, but you land facing the way you came from, with both feet together.
An Ariel is actually a cartwheel without hands. Some people say it's a round off with no hands but in an arial you keep your legs apart, in a round off your legs are together.
Because the ink off the papers goes onto your hands.
Maybe, staring with a longer hurdle to increase your forward momentum, you could also try to make your round off longer while on your hands, and just keep practicing =D
You do the round off, which is a cartwheel but you land on two feet. Once you mastered that, you learn how to rebound which is after you do the round off you jump up. After that, you do your round off and then instead of jumping up, you jump backward with your hands above your head and do the back handspring.
motley crue. its off of their album too fast for love its called "merry go round"
This is called laissez-faire which means "Hands off" in french.
It may be off of her next album coming out called "A Year Without Rain" but for now it is just a single.
He ripped off most of the lyrics and beat from the original song called "Right Round" by a band in the 80s called Dead or Alive.