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Q: What is a sample that is taken from the entire population without a person choosing each person?
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What kind of sample is taken from the entire population without a person choosing each person?

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Who was the person the declaration of independence was written to?

Not a person.....but the entire population of England.

What is the definition of Sample Size?

This question gets at the core of statistics. Statistics has two central ideas: a population, and a sample. All of statistics is an attempt of ways to understand the entire population without actually observing every entity within it - by choosing and observing only a sample (a sub-set) of the full population. As an example, if we wish to find the average ratio of males to females on the entire planet, we can do this one of two ways. Either we actually count every person on the planet and after a very lengthy process we will have the answer. Or alternatively, we can use statistics to simplify the effort by selecting a smaller group of people (we call this a sample) that we believe will accurately represent, without any bias, the entire planet's population. If we take this second approach, also called a sampling approach, one of the most important decision to take is the number of people to include in this group (in the sample). This number - known as the "Sample Size" - is the number of a population that will be evaluated as representing the entire population, and from which statistics will be derived. Choosing a sample size too large will require extra unnecessary effort, but one too small will not accurately represent the entire population (and the statistics or averages derived might not be correct - we won't even know IF the statistics are correct or incorrect - so we won't know if we need to repeat with another sample).

Would you allow the population to watch their leader the entire time that person is leading their country?

Yes, I would allow the population to watch their leader the entire time that person is leading their country. Certainly the terms of "watching" need to be defined. A person must have, for example, private time with spouse and family.

Can someone survive without a brain?

A person can continue breathing with very little of the brain remaining. If the entire brain is removed, the person dies.

If the proposed bailout cost of 7 hundred billion dollars were divided among the entire population of the US how much would that be for each person?

700B / 300M Population = $2300 a person. WRONG! you forgot a few zeros; it is actually $2.333 Million per person (every man, woman and child)!

Choosing Trade and Technical Schools?

Obviously, there are hundreds of trade and technical schools in the country. A person might have trouble choosing the right option for themselves in some cases. It is important to take all factors into consideration before making a decision. That meas comparing the cost of attendance, the curricula offered, and much more. Without a doubt, a person that skips on this research will wind up choosing a school that does not suit their needs or goals.

What parts of china has the highest population?

The entire western part of China is extremely populated whilst the Eastern has a ratio of 1 person per 20 miles.

Why is there a need for sample in statistics?

Because we usually don't have access to the entire population. How could you find every person in the United States and ask them if they like chocolate?

What type of tax is levied on the entire estate of a person?

Estate taxes are levied on the entire estate of a person.

What are some of the ways in which a private plane can be chartered?

The best way to charter a private plane is to contact a Charter Coordinator, who will guide a person through the process and help with choosing the correct size plane, finding a local airport, and scheduling departure and arrival times. Otherwise, one must do all this legwork without guidance, which can cause difficulties with the entire experience.

Can a person live without their finger?

Yes I know someone without there thumb. There are people that have lost entire arms and legs and live, losing a finger, while not pleasant and certainly not fun, it is not fatal.