It helps to understand division as the opposite of multiplication. In this case, v / s = x; a vector divided by a scalar is something unknown. Turn this around, into a multiplication: x times s = v. In other words: What must I multiply by a scalar to get a vector?
The product of two vectors can be done in two different ways. The result of one way is another vector. The result of the other way is a scalar ... that's why that method is called the "scalar product". The way it's done is (magnitude of one vector) times (magnitude of the other vector) times (cosine of the angle between them).
Time is scalar
No it is not a vector
Vectors. A scalar times a vectro is a vector. A vector times a vector is a scalr if the vectros are parallel v1.v2 = scalar. A vector times a vector is a vector if the vectors are perpendicular. Other wise a vectro times a vector is both a scalr and a vector, v1v2 = -v1.v2 + v1xv2 = -v1v2cos(x) + vqv2sin(x). If cos(x) =0 then perpendicular if sin(x)=0 then parallel. In general the product of two vectors is a quaternion the sum of a scalar and a vector. The Universe is composed of quaternions. Science and Physics has failed to appreciate that the numbes of the universe are quaternions, the sum of a scaltr and a vector. Hamilton invented quaternions in 1843.
The product of scalar and vector quantity is scalar.
It helps to understand division as the opposite of multiplication. In this case, v / s = x; a vector divided by a scalar is something unknown. Turn this around, into a multiplication: x times s = v. In other words: What must I multiply by a scalar to get a vector?
When multiplying a vector by a scalar, each component of the vector is multiplied by the scalar. This operation changes the magnitude of the vector but not its direction. Similarly, dividing a vector by a scalar involves dividing each component of the vector by the scalar.
The product of two vectors can be done in two different ways. The result of one way is another vector. The result of the other way is a scalar ... that's why that method is called the "scalar product". The way it's done is (magnitude of one vector) times (magnitude of the other vector) times (cosine of the angle between them).
An earthquake is neither a scalar nor a vector. It is an event.
Yes, you can multiply a vector by a scalar. The scalar will multiply each component of the vector by the same value, resulting in a new vector with each component scaled by that value.