

What is a seed radical?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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Q: What is a seed radical?
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Which part of the seed becomes the first stem?

There are three structures that appear from the seed: the radical, the hypocotyls and the plumule. The first structure to appear from the seed is the radical, which is the root and grows downward into the soil.

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the radical embryo the cotyledon and the seed coat

What is the first step in the germination of a seed?

The emergence of the radical.

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[object Object]

What is the function of radical?

The function of a radical in math is to indicate the operation of taking the root of a number. It is represented by placing a radical symbol (√) before the number. The number inside the radical is known as the radicand.

What part of a seed comes first?

search up cotyledon :) Edited answer: When a seed sprouts, it is the radicle of the embryo comming out first.

What part of a seed become the root?

The RADICLE in a seed will become the plants roots.

Meaning of seminal?

Pertaining to, containing, or consisting of, seed or semen; as, the seminal fluid., Contained in seed; holding the relation of seed, source, or first principle; holding the first place in a series of developed results or consequents; germinal; radical; primary; original; as, seminal principles of generation; seminal virtue., A seed.

What is a ''Radical'' in mathematics?

A radical is a root.A radical is a root.A radical is a root.A radical is a root.

What will become what seed structures a hypocotyl b epicotyl c radical d cotyledon?

a. Radicle b. Hypocotyl c. Epicotyl d. Cotyledon

Do seeds grow faster in Fiji water or purified steel or faucet water?

Seeds grow because within each seed are nutrients that help it grow. Once a seed has sprouted a Radical, the radical will grow down into the ground to collect nutrients to help it grow. The seed will soon sprout a Plumule which will later become the stem. Soon after, the plumule will sprout leaves and the plant will become a Monocot or a Dicot. Meaning a one leaved plant or a two leaved plant. After that it will grow into whatever it's supposed to grow into.

What is the function of radical in baby plant?

The radical in a baby plant, also known as the primary root, helps to anchor the plant in the soil and absorb water and nutrients from the ground. It is the first root to emerge from the seed during germination and plays a crucial role in the plant's early growth and development.