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One standard deviation.

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Q: What is a selection that eliminates individuals on both ends of the range and favors those in the middle?
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What is the type of selection in which individuals at one end of the distribution curve higher fitness than individuals in the middle of at the other end?

stabilizing selection

What type of natural selection takes place when individuals at the upper and lower ends of the curve have higher fitness than individuals near the middle?

Disruptive selection.

What type of selection is shown when the bell curve narrows over time?

Stabilizing selection, which acts against both extreme phenotypes and favors intermediate variants. Hence the narrowing of the bell curve in the middle.

What is a type of selection in which individuals at both ends of the distribution curve have higher fitness than those near the middle?

disruptive selection

Which type of natural selection favors the average individual in a population?

That would be the Stabilizing Selection where there will me not a lot of genetic variation. The curve of the population allele frequency would be quite thin with the extreme being in the middle.

Three ways natural selection picks a phenotype?

stabilizing selection: when individuals near the center of the curve have a higher fitness than individuals at either end of the cure, keeping the center at its current location but narrows the overall graph directional selection: when individuals at one end of the curve have a higher fitness than individuals at the other end, or middle, causing the entire curve to move as the character trait changes disruptive selection: when individuals at the upper and lower ends of the curve have higher fitness than individuals near the middle, causing the single curve to be cut into two These three types of selection are brought about by natural selection, so whichever one is favored, then the genes evolve in that specific direction. natural selection acts on the genotype, but the results are seen in the phenotype

Selection causes the range of phenotypes to become narrower increasing the number of individuals with charactertics near middle of the range?

Yes, selection tends to favor individuals with certain traits that are advantageous in their environment. This can lead to the reduction in the range of phenotypes as individuals with less favorable traits are selected against, resulting in more individuals with characteristics closer to the optimal range.

The middle kingdom is best described as a time when Egypt?

when they did eachother favors all night long

What happens to the variation in traits which are under strong natural selection?

It depends on which form is being favored by selection. In directional selection, one of the extremes of the "bell curve" has the advantage. In this case selection will "drive" the variation toward one end. Example: a population of birds where long, narrow beaks have an advantage; variation will be pushed toward longer, narrower beaks until that stops being advantageous. On the other hand, sometimes selection favors the "middle of the road" form. In this case, the variation will be driven toward the middle and the extremes will drop away. For example, a population of moths where a medium shade of coloring has the advantage (not too light or too dark); in this case, you'll get more gray moths, less black and white. This is "stabilizing selection".

What type of individuals formed the leadership of the American 'radicals'?

Middle Class people.

Why were deaf individuals banned from churches in the middle ages?

Deaf individuals could not hear the word of God

During the middle ages pope and monarchs disagreed most often about?

the selection of Church officials.