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For every polyhedron, there is a dual which is a polyhedron that has:

  • a face where the first had a vertex,
  • a vertex where the first had a face,
  • the same number of edges.

A self-dual polyhedron is a polyhedron whose dual is the same shape.

All pyramids, for example, are self-dual.

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Q: What is a self dual polyhedron?
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A self-dual logic function is a function that is identical to its dual

Any polyhedron can be the base of a pyramid.?

No. A polyhedron is a three dimensional body. The base of a pyramid is a two dimensional figure.But any non self-intersecting polygon can be the base of a pyramid.

The edge of a polyhedron are the polygons which bound the polyhedron?

No, they are the faces of the polyhedron.

What is the difference between a polyhedron and a regular polyhedron?

A Polyhedron is a closed plane figure whose faces are portions of planes. Prisms and pyramids are examples of Polyhedron's. While a Regular Polyhedron is a Polyhedron whose facces are all regular Polygons and whose Vertices are all alike. There are only five Regular Polyhedron's: Tetahedron , Octahedron , Icosahedron , Hexahedron , and Dodecahedron .To clarify, there are five known Platonic Solids: regular polyhedrons which are convex on all their vertices.The tetrahedron is also known as the triangular pyramid: a regular one has an identical equilateral triangle for each of its four faces. This is the one Platonic solid which is self-dual, as each face has three sides and each vertex joins three edges.The regular hexahedron is better known as the cube: each of its six faces is a square, and each vertex joins three edges. Its dual counterpart is the regular octahedron. In this case, each of its eight faces is three-sides (an equilateral triangle) and each vertex joins four edges. To picture the octahedron, think two square pyramids mated on their square faces, leaving only the triangular faces.Finally, there is the regular dodecahedron (12 faces), which is composed of regular pentagons (five sides). Each vertex again joins three edges. Its dual counterpart is the regular icosahedron. It has 20 triangular faces, and each vertex joins five edges.

What makes a polyhedron faceted?

The definition of polyhedron. If it was not faceted it would not be a polyhedron.

Is a rectangle a polyhedron?

yes it is a polyhedron

Is a cubiod a polyhedron?

No, a cubiod is not a polyhedron but a cuboid is.

What are the flat sides of a polyhedron?

They are the faces of the polyhedron.

Is a triangle a polyhedron?

A triangle is not a polyhedron. A triangle is a two-dimensional figure, and a polyhedron is a three-dimensional solid. An example of a triangular-shaped polyhedron is a pyramid.

The edges of a polyhedron are polygons which bound the polyhedron?
