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Q: What is a set of points that extends without end in all direction?
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What is a flat surface that extends without end in all direction called?

A plane?

What is a surface that extends in all direction is a?

a plane

A group of points that extends forever in all directions?

A line

Can a ray extend infinitely in both directions?

No, a ray extends infinately in one direction; but this can be any direction at all

Where do coplanar points lie on?

Coplanar points lie on the same plane. A plane is a flat, two-dimensional surface that extends infinitely in all directions. Coplanar points can be thought of as points that all lie in the same plane and can be connected by straight lines without leaving that plane.

Is a flat surfce made up of points that up of points that has no depth and extends indefinitely in all directions?

A Plane!!

What are the 5 basic geometric elements?

1. Point A point is an location in space, it has no dimensions. 2. Line A line is a set of points that extends infinitely in opposite directions. 3. Line Segment A line segment is a part of a line that has a two endpoints and not extends in opposite directions. 4. Ray A ray is a part of a line that has one endpoint and extends in one direction. 5. Plane A plane contains an infinite number of points on a flat surface that extends in all directions.

What is a group of points that extends forever in all directions?

A group of points that extend forever in all directions is called a plane. We often draw a plane with edges, but it really has no edges.

Why rainbow is round?

Because from every point on the rainbow, the angle between the direction to thesun and the direction to your eye has to be the same angle. The only collectionof points that can do that is all the points on a circle.

Is rainbows round?

Because from every point on the rainbow, the angle between the direction to thesun and the direction to your eye has to be the same angle. The only collectionof points that can do that is all the points on a circle.

What moves all points of a figure the same distance and in the same direction?

A translation.

What is a two-dimensional flat surface that extends in all directions and contains at least three noncollinear points?

It's a plane. I think