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Q: What is a set of values together with a set of operators?
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Difference between relational and logical operators?

Logical operators don't Compare values they combine Boolean values and produce a Boolean result. Examples of logical operators are && (and), , (or), ! (not). If you have two Boolean values and you combined them with the && operator the result will be (TRUE) only if both values were (TRUE). Relational operators compare two values and produce a Boolean result. Most of the time we use logical operators to combine the results of two or more comparison expressions that use relational operators.

What is the mean in a set of numbers?

All of the values added together, divided by the number of values.

What does data distribution mean?

It is the set of values that a variable can take together with the probability or frequency distribution for those values.

What is the median of a set of numbers if the set of numbers is even?

To find the median of a set of values with an even number of values, place the values in ascending or descending order, find the 2 middle numbers and add them together and divide that total by 2 and that's the median.

A symbol in Excel used to compare values is called?

comparison operators

When you combine AND and OR operators the OR operators take precedence meaning their Boolean values are evaluated first?

in some cases, aloop control variable does not have to be initialized.

How do you find the math average?

To find the average of a set of numbers, you add all the numbers together. Then you divide this sum by the size of the set - for instance, if you have 10 numbers, you divide the sum by 10.

How do transport operators and tour operators work together?

because they get together and then the tour operator will find the transport from like the airport to the gotel and then will arrange it with transport provider

What are the values of the four fundamental operation?

The four fundamental operation have no intrinsic value. As the name suggests, they are operators. In fact, they are binary operators, which means that they take two values as input and their output is a single value. That value will depend on the inputs.

How many types of operators?

The different types of operators are: Assignment operator- This is used to assign values to variables. Ex: = Arithmetic Operators - These are used to perform arithmetic operations. Ex: +, -, *, /, % Logical Operators - These are used to perform logical checks like: I < 10 or x == Y etc.

What is the difference between the arithmetic mean and the geometric mean?

The arithmetic mean is the average of a set of numbers calculated by adding them together and dividing by the total number of values. The geometric mean is the average of a set of numbers calculated by multiplying them together and taking the nth root, where n is the total number of values.

What is the difference between the geometric mean and arithmetic mean?

The geometric mean is the average of a set of numbers calculated by multiplying them all together and then taking the nth root, where n is the number of values. The arithmetic mean is the average of a set of numbers calculated by adding them all together and then dividing by the number of values.