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Q: What is a shape that has 2 sides more than a triangle with all sides the same length?
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Which shape has 3 more sides than a triangle?

A triangle has three sides, so a hexagon (a shape with six sides) would have three more sides than a triangle.

Is diamond a triangle shape?

No, diamond is not a triangle shape. Diamond is a four-sided figure with two pairs of parallel sides that are not equal in length. It is more commonly described as a rhombus shape, which is a type of quadrilateral.

What is a triangle with TWO or MORE sides in equal length?


Which shape has 5 more sides than a triangle?

An octagon.

What shape has two more sides than a triangle?


Which has more vertices a shapr with 4 sides or a shape with 3 sides?

A 4 sided shape which is a quadrilateral has more vertices than a 3 sided shape which is a triangle

Does the length of the leg of a triangle affect its strength?

A triangle is a rigid structure and the length of any of its sides makes no difference to its geometric rigidity. However, the longer the leg of any shape is, the more likely it is to buckle under strain. In that respect, the length of the leg will affect its strength.

What has two sides more than a triangle with all sides the same length?

This will be a regular pentagon.

I have two sides more than a triangle all sides are the same length What am i?

An equilateral pentagon.

What is a shape with 3 side's called?

A shape with 3 sides is called a triangle. A triangle is a polygon and polygons have 3 or more sides.

Which shape is not like the others triangle sqarre hexagon and a polygon?

A triangle has 3 sides, a square has 4 sides, an hexagon has 6 sides and a polygon has 3 or more sides.

Which shape is more rigid a square or triangle?

triangle, because of the structural stability of the shape. it is the simplest geometric figure that will not change shape when the lenghth of the sides are fixed