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A Pizza or a triangle if u use a ruler properly

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Q: What is a shape that is equally divided in half?
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What is it call when a shape is cut in half and equally on both sides?

Bisection along a line of symmetry.

What does quadrant mean in you own words?

A quadrant is a section of a circle or shape that has been equally divided into those four sections.

What things can't be divided in half?

If they can split the atom, they can divide anything. If you want to know what cannot be divided equally, that would be odd numbers and birthday cake.

If the long yellow block was cut in halfwhat is the density of each half compared to the origonal density of the block?

The density of each half would be the same as the original density of the block. When an object is cut in half, the mass of the object is divided equally among the two halves, while the volume is also divided equally. Since density is calculated as mass divided by volume, and the mass and volume ratio remains the same for each half, the density will be the same.

What is something that divides something equally in half in geometry?

A line which divides a shape in two is called a bisector.

Can 293 be divided equally?

Since 293 is a prime number it can only be divided equally (divisible) by 1 and itself.

What two parts of the cell are equally divided during cell division?

The chromosomes and organelles are equally divided during cell division. Chromosomes are separated and distributed to each daughter cell to ensure equal genetic material, while organelles are also allocated so that each new cell has the necessary machinery to function.

Can you divide 435 equally by 3?

The sum of digits: 4 + 3 + 5 = 12 12 can be divided equally by 3, so 435 can be divided equally as well.

Do you know Symmetry?

A symmetrical shape has equally matching parts when divided into halves. The dotted lines that divide the shapes into equal halves is called a line symmetry.

What hemishpere is larger the eastern or western hemisphere?

The eastern hemisphere is larger than the western hemisphere. The eastern hemisphere contains parts of Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and Antarctica, while the western hemisphere includes parts of North and South America.

What is 385 divided equally?

385 can be divided equally by these numbers: 1, 5, 7, 11, 35, 55, 77, 385.

Can 13 be divided equally?

13 can only be dived equally by 1 and 13