Dividing the number with the highest possible divisible. That means find the GCF of the 2 numbers and then divide the GCF to one of the numbers and multiply it to te other. EXAMPLE :
Whats is the LCM of 4 and 6 ?
step 1. Find the GCF( Greatest Common Factor) of 4 and 6.
So the GCF of 4 and 6 is 2.
step 2. Divide any of the number by the GCF of 4 an 6 ( which is 2).
4 divided by 2 is 2. Or 6 divided by 2 is 3.
step 3. Multiply the number you got at step.2 with the other one.
If you divided 4 by 2 (2 is the GCF of 4 and 6) the answer was 2. So multiply 2 by the number that is left ( in this case 6 ) so 2 x 6 is 12. 12 IS THE LCM f 4 and 6. If you divided 6 by 2 ( 2 is the GCF of 4 and 6) then you end up with 3. Thererfor, the only number left is 4 so you multiply 3 by 4 and you end up with 12. You will get the same answer ! Hope this Helped !
You can, but there's a shortcut. If you can see that 7 and 30 share no common factors other than 1, the LCM is their product (210).
Right click on the document/folder etc. you want to create a shortcut from. Then, on the drop down menu, click "create shortcut" and you will have a shortcut. or if you want a keyboard shortcut right click, properties, advanced, shortcut.
there isn't such shortcut
a shortcut to India and china
That's the shortcut for copy. The shortcut for paste is Ctrl V.
There is no shortcut key of input in qbasic
No. Divide is not a shortcut of substraction
the shortcut way of dividing is mutiplying
I thought you said this was a shortcut?Keyboard shortcuts are very handy to know.We decided to take a shortcut.
The Shortcut was created on 2009-09-29.
An abbreviation is a kind of shortcut.
In the shortcut task pane